It is one day before we set out on our big adventure. We've been packing and taking care of odds and ends all day. Running to the bank, to the computer store, to the drug store, etc, etc..
But one thing I will never forget about the day before our honeymoon is getting a tooth pulled. Yes, that is correctly. I just had a molar pulled at the dentist and I have to bite down on this gauze for 30 minutes.
Basically, the story goes like this: I had a cavity filled in March. It was really deep and my dentist said I might need a root canal. It hurt like crazy. After that, it calmed down. But starting on Thursday, its been hurting again and making the whole left side of my face hurt as well. Not fun.
I went to the dentist yesterday and, yes, I would need a root canal. However, there isn't nearly enough time to do one! I considered going to the dentist when we get to Poland -- which I will have to do eventually anyway -- but then my dentist informed me that the increased pressure on the plane (all 9+ hours of it) would probably make this hurt even more. The tooth had to go.
So, now I'm one tooth lighter and one step closer to our new, lighter life abroad!